Thursday, December 11, 2008

The adrenaline rush of everything going wrong

The past few days have been seeing me to terribly high and excited, making everyone around me wondering what the good news was.. well what the bad news was should've been the million $$$ question!! whats with work coming to an end--> no great income --> no more great clothes and shoes, not to mention my extremely frequent vacation trips and general going out expenses...
School's pretty much done, so I need to now think of a proper job, not just an internship... Waking up at 5:30 and sleeping at midnight trying to fit in everything to 1 day.. To top it all.. life seems to be going in a different direction from the great plans I had seen for myself...

Well the adrenalin rush is still crazy high.. I don't know what I'm running on.. definitely not seen the treadmill in two weeks.. and its not the food... so I started wondering, is the excess energy or the adrenalin rush that pushes us to get things done when everything is just so wrong, able to get us such a high, that nothing can really get us down?? Or is the incapacity to think due to everything going on in life giving me no freedom to think of what is really going on around me??

Forever reason it is.. I don't have an answer.. and I cannot deny that I love it all.. the lack of sleep.. the unending stress.. and the knowledge that I can really be that superwoman I wanted to me...

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