Thursday, September 25, 2008

stilettos on wood..

I go to work... and we decide to go indian for lunch.. and so we go to this little andhra place.. Im dressed in my formals.. with my shoes.. I enter and before I know it.. I'm skidding on the floor..
Thankfully, Im able to regain balance using a nearby table before falling flat on my face.. and then I was thinking.. isn't it horrible when you try to make yourself up perfect and then you blotch up on the littlest thing..and you stand there.. and just feel like burying yourself.. cos the whole impression you made.. with the clothes and everything else, just got destroyed by that.. not to mention the sheer embarrassment next to my coworkers..
I felt so silly and so ungrown up that I suddenly wondered whether we could ever live by our age.. or wed always feel a little older or younger than we are..

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