Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Lifes not a circle, its sqaure

You know how everyone thinks lifes a circle and you keep going round in circles? How then, do you explain all the bumps and hits? I think lifes a sqaure, your safe in the middle, stray too much, and you might chance upon a cracked knee (the corner), or a broken nose (the flat sides).. either ways.. we all just try to stick to that middle area, and if unfortunate, you are standing on quicksand, or you cross the lines, and are no longer there...


Neo said...

Hmm... That really is an interesting concept. They say life is a circle, cuz you end up where you begin sooner or later. Your analogy of "stay in the center and things are the same" makes a whole lot more sense. The ones who will stray to the sides do get hurt more (the lacerated knees), but also get to see more of life. So the question is, where should one stay? At the center where it is safe and boring or explore around the sides? Wait, how about this... stray from the center, but keep away from the sides too... kinda like moving in a circle within the square. Wait, did I just go around circles with this comment... or a square? I just confused myself :)

Vidya said...

yeah.. that makes sense.. but see.. ultimately the circles exist around a square right.. and thats what sets or breaks the boundaries